Mirror Lake helps individuals struggling with addiction and co-occurring bipolar disorder build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Serving Tennessee, Mirror Lake is the leading provider of adult rehab.
Learn More About Bipolar Disorder Treatment
Learn More About Bipolar Disorder Treatment at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee
Bipolar disorder is a disorder that is characterized by emotional extremes. People with this disorder alternate between experiencing manic episodes, which are periods of intense energy, impulsive behavior, and little need to sleep, and depressive episodes, which are periods of low energy, apathy, sad mood, and loss of pleasure in daily life. When a person has both a bipolar disorder and a co-occurring substance use disorder, the potential for devastating outcomes increases dramatically. However, treatment options are available that can help individuals experience relief from the most distressing symptoms of bipolar disorders.
At Mirror Lake, we have extensive experience helping people overcome substance abuse and co-occurring bipolar disorder. Our caring and compassionate staff members are eager to give you the best possible chance at living a life free from the influence of substances and co-occurring bipolar disorder.
Steps to Help a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Bipolar Disorder Treatment
While you may feel lost and overwhelmed when living with a loved one who has a substance use disorder and co-occurring bipolar disorder, there are a number of steps you can take to help, such as:
- Research rehab centers. Learn about various treatment options and consider the pros and cons of various treatment centers. Also, feel free to call the treatment staff at centers you are considering to talk with them about their treatment approach and available services. Once you have done your research, make a short list of a few rehab centers that may be a good fit for your loved one.
- In addition to researching rehab centers, research bipolar disorder and research your loved one’s substance of choice. Reading books and looking through reputable websites may help you learn good, up-to-date information. In addition, consider speaking with treatment professionals and discussing what you can do to be of help to your loved one.
- Keep an open line of communication with your loved one. Though it is no doubt difficult to walk with your loved one through the ups and downs of bipolar disorder and substance abuse, try your best to remain supportive and patient with your loved one. Share your concerns with him or her openly and nonjudgmentally and listen as best as you can to your loved one’s responses.
- Keep in mind that your loved one’s journey to recovery may occur at a different – likely slower – pace than you might hope for. Try your best to remain patient, and when your loved one is ready to enter treatment, do your best to facilitate his or her entry into a treatment center. Share your research on treatment centers with him or her and offer to help with logistics such as setting up appointments with treatment staff and accompanying your loved one to those appointments.
- By all means, make sure to care for yourself as well. You will be of the most help to your loved one if you have ways of rejuvenating yourself, so keep up with your hobbies and seek the support of family and friends. Also, remember to continue exercising regularly, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep.
Why Consider Treatment
Why Consider Treatment for Bipolar Disorder at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee
When they exist separately, bipolar disorder and substance use disorders can each have devastating effects on a person’s life. When a person is struggling with both of these mental illnesses, however, the potential for negative consequences is astronomical. These disorders can affect nearly all areas of a person’s life, possibly causing poor job performance, loss of job, financial strain, social isolation, divorce, loss of child custody, and relationship strain. One’s body can even be affected, with organ damage, infection from sharing used needles, and cognitive impairment all distinctly possible. Of course, the abuse of any substance brings a constant risk of a potentially-fatal overdose. Despite the potential for all of these negative consequences, however, it is possible to overcome a substance use disorder and learn to manage the symptoms of a co-occurring bipolar disorder with prompt care at a comprehensive rehab center.
Types of Treatment
Types of Bipolar Disorder Treatment Offered at Mirror Lake Recovery Center in Tennessee
Mirror Lake, a premier addiction rehab center located in Burns, Tennessee, is one of the state’s longest standing providers of high quality treatment for men and women looking to recover from addictions and co-occurring mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder. Offering a three-phase treatment experience that includes medically monitored detox, residential, and partial hospitalization programming, Mirror Lake has been able to help thousands of individuals achieve lasting sobriety.
The top-notch care we provide helps clients realize their capacity to change and grow. With the support of our staff, which includes an addictionologist, a psychiatrist, therapists, nurses, and clinical technicians, our clients are able benefit from our multifaceted rehab that is based on the 12-Step philosophy. Our 146-bed center is also licensed as a sub-acute hospital, which allows us to treat those with complicated medical histories that other centers are not able to accommodate. Furthermore, we only utilize proven effective treatment methods and protocols so that each client will experience the most favorable rehab outcomes.
In choosing our rehab center as the place to begin your recovery journey, you will receive a treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to your needs and goals. The following are among the components of care that our center provides, and are those that can be included in your personalized plan for rehab:
Medically monitored detoxification: In order to effectively participate in our residential programming, some Mirror Lake clients require detoxification services at the start of their treatment. Closely monitored by our medical staff, our center’s detoxification services allow clients to go through the process of withdrawal with minimal discomfort. Depending on the type of addiction that a client is grappling with, we will select the most appropriate detox protocol to meet his or her needs. Upon completion of detox, clients are then welcome to engage in the next phase of the rehab process.
Medication management services: When engaged in our detox, residential, and partial hospitalization services, clients will receive daily medication management services supervised by our psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and nurses in the event they require relief from the symptoms of bipolar disorder, another mental illness, or an addiction.
Individual therapy: In order to help our clients process their addictions and any existing symptoms of co-occurring disorders, such as bipolar disorder, Mirror Lake includes individual therapy into its programming. These sessions are held weekly and allow our clients to develop a therapeutic relationship with an assigned counselor. Short-term rehab goals can be established during sessions, and clients can hone their problem-solving and decision-making skills while navigating the treatment process. Furthermore, clients who were being treated by another counselor prior to starting treatment at Mirror Lake can grant consent to have their counselor participate in these sessions as well.
Family therapy: The process of recovering from an addiction and bipolar disorder can be more successful when an individual has the support of loved ones. At Mirror Lake, we want to help our clients repair and restructure their relationships with those closest to them and do so by offering weekly family therapy sessions. These sessions take place at our campus in Burns, Tennessee, and are led by our devoted counselors and help families heal from the damage addiction has caused.
Family Program: Mirror Lake recognizes that addiction has the capacity to affect more than just the person who is abusing substances. For this reason, we are proud to offer a Family Program each Sunday so that those closest to our clients can benefit from the following methods of treatment:
- Shared meals
- 12-Step based meetings
- Non-denominational worship services
- Video tapes
- Lecture series
- Experiential exercises and conjoint groups
Group therapy: Covering topics and issues identified by our clients or our counselors, group therapy is an integral part of the rehab we supply. Taking place multiple times per day, group therapy allows clients to gain insight and support from others who have walked similar paths. The following groups are among those that have enabled the men and women of Mirror Lake learn new skills, gain a better understanding of addiction treatment and recovery, and develop the confidence in knowing that lasting recovery from an addiction and co-occurring bipolar disorder is possible:
- Recovery Principles
- Living in Balance
- Relapse prevention
- Gender-specific groups
Experiential therapy: When a person comes to Mirror Lake battling an addiction and the symptoms of bipolar disorder, he or she can greatly benefit from our holistic approach to rehab. Experiential therapy, which helps clients to understand the mind-body connection, is part of this approach and includes the following activities:
- Art therapy
- Yoga
ReNew Program: Mirror Lake is pleased to offer a Christian approach to addiction treatment. For those who are interested in strengthening their faith while on the road to recovery, our ReNew Program supplies rehab that is grounded in Christianity. When partaking in this program, clients can benefit from the following while at our center:
- Meeting with chaplains
- Meditation
- Celebrate recovery meetings
- Bible study using Life Recovery Bible and workbook
- Daily journaling
- Daily worship and prayer
- 12-Step meetings
The above types of treatment can be included in each of our clients’ personalized treatment plans. In choosing to come to our center for rehab, you or the person you care about will learn which treatment methods will be most beneficial in terms of meeting your or your loved one’s needs and goals. Furthermore, upon completion of treatment at Mirror Lake, you or your loved one will receive a thorough discharge plan that will detail the recommendations and resources needed to ensure that recovery is lasting.
With an unparalleled dedication to helping men and women reclaim their lives from addiction, Mirror Lake is prepared to help you come to know a life that is no longer dictated by addiction and the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Let us help you realize your healthy tomorrow, today.